Saturday, November 1, 2014

Goodall Endangered Species


"...I tell them it is because these animals belong on the land. They have a right to be there."

This quote sums up the idea of the entire reading. Animals were put on this planet far before us and have as much right to be here as we do. Not only do they have the right to be here but most animals are necessary to the survival of the planet. Every animal has its place and plays its part in the biotic pyramid. This means people must continue to protect endangered species to further prevent extinction. 


"It is indeed true that the expense of saving an endangered species can be exorbitant, so it is fortunate that in many countries there are laws protecting life forms threatened with extinction."

This quote brings up many great points. The first being that saving endangered species can be extremely expensive but it is certainly worth the cost because once a species goes extinct there is no brining it back. Every creature that has been put on the planet has a specific place on the biotic pyramid and plays a part in the big picture. Originally life forms would go extinct because of natural causes but ever since man has started walking the earth it has been people that cause life forms to go extinct. Man made things like pollution, hunting, and destruction of habitats have brought on large amounts of extinction. In order to avoid the high cost of saving endangered species laws can be put in place that keep their population from getting low in the first place. 


"All of them confessed to loving the wilderness, being out there with nature."

Everything I learn in class is all starting to make sense! Mainly sense of place. We have learned repeatedly about the importance of someones sense of place and and it continues to show up in everything I have read for this course. In this quote we see that having a strong sense of place can also posses someone to take action in order to save the environment. These people enjoy nature so much that they make it their goal to help preserve it and help endangered species in order to keep their sense of place in tact. 


"It is this-this link between the human being and the other animals with whom we share Planet Earth, this connection we can establish with another life form-that for many makes it possible to carry on."

A persons bond with animals is very important and can happen in many different ways, weather it is a mans bond with his pet dog or a persons ability to see that wild animals are no different than us. The end goal of every creature on the planet is survival at any means necessary. We are meant to share the planet with other creatures because they have the same right to be here as we do and are necessary for the survival of the planet. We must work with these animals in order to ensure a healthy planet and help sustain them at any means necessary. 

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